• Are you feeling frustrated, not seen or heard, in your relationships, and wonder what is blocking you from giving and receiving love? 
  • Are you aware that you have old traumas from your early years that are rising to the surface to be healed and you don't feel you have the proper tools to navigate the healing process?
  • Do you desire to know what your life’s purpose is? 
  • Are you yearning for a deeper connection with God or your own Spirit Guides? 

Trust me when I tell you that I have said yes to all of these questions (and more!). For years I felt frustrated and unsatisfied.  I lived my life avoiding my problems rather than facing them.

I always knew I deserved more and when I learned to process my emotional pain, my physical pain (aka the issues in my tissues) began to dissolve. I realized that the less resistant I was to peeling back the layers of my wounds, the more peace, love and joy I felt inside.

My ability to love myself and others has expanded exponentially, and that is PRICELESS.


I LOVE you and you are SAFE to heal.

You are safe to unearth the (unconscious) beliefs that were formed when you were a young child and discover when they came to be and why.

With awareness of the root causes of the beliefs that are ruling your thoughts, you are EMPOWERED with the choice to hold on to or release those beliefs and replace them with new thought patterns that support you in becoming the person you truly wish to be.

The Empowered Choices Coaching Program is a journey of healing in which you will:

  • Discover the root causes of your limiting beliefs and programming. 
  • Learn a process for managing your mind and feelings to shift you from “spiraling downward” to “grounded clarity and hope” to "peace in your heart and joy."
  • Become a witness to ALL of your (unconscious) thoughts and actions and learn to make Empowered Choices in which you create new (conscious) thought and behavior patterns.
  • Increase your connection to and faith in your Guides.
  • Receive guidance from your soul on how to believe in, embody and OWN your personal power and live life with Peace, Love and Joy in your heart.

{For Portland area peeps only: one coaching call per month will take place during a 90-minute massage!}

This program is for YOU because...

You are a driven human that is willing to push yourself to do better and be better, to improve the quality of your life. You love to learn and grow, and you understand complacency will not steer you in the direction of growth and expansion. 

You have a desire to strip away the programming and conditioning from your upbringing and societal norms, so you may come home to yourself and the Highest expression of your Soul. 


This program is important for your growth because...

We all have beliefs that were created from single moments in time when we were children. Those beliefs come from the limited view point of a child’s comprehension, and we unconsciously allow them to guide our thoughts, feelings and actions as adults. 

Your inner child has been driving the bus for all these years and they don’t even have a license!! Strap that child in the back seat, take the wheel and reclaim your POWER! 

I will teach you how to develop new, empowering thoughts and beliefs from your current ADULT perspective that will relieve you of the tired, old beliefs that are blocking your growth.

Investing in your health and well-being is one of the best uses of your time and money, and there is no better time than right now.

You are reading this, so I know you are seeking the answers to your deepest questions and sustainable solutions to the issues in your tissues.

You are desiring a shift in your energy, habits, relationships and work life, and you are ready to commit to creating the shift.

You TRUST in the guidance of your Highest Self and are willing to receive it.

You are ready to live the life of your own creation through intentional thoughts and actions and LOVE.

The Empowered Choices Coaching Program includes 4 options to align with the level of commitment that feels best for you now

  • Option #1, A 2 week Deep Dive includes: One 90-minute LIVE ON ZOOM Healing with the Akashic Records reading + 2 weeks of integration support through Voxer (a walkie-talkie app) for $222.


  • Option #2, Going Deeper includes: One *solo* Healing with the Akashic Records reading (in which I do the reading alone and email you the transcription) + one 75-minute Coaching Call + 2 weeks of integration support through Voxer for $444.


  • Option #3, A 4 week Integrative Experience includes: One solo Healing with the Akashic Records reading (with transcription) + two 75-minute Coaching Calls 4 weeks of integration support through Voxer for $666.


  • Option #4, 6 months of Deep Transformation includes: One solo Healing with the AR (with transcriptions)/month + three 75-minute Coaching Calls/month + continuous Voxer support for $4444 (PAID IN FULL) or $777/month for 6 months.

The Healing with the Akashic Records readings are designed to unearth the root causes of your limiting beliefs, reveal what is blocking you from creating deeper connections in your relationships, and light the path of your soul’s purpose.

The coaching call(s) are designed for you to learn and integrate a proven process for healing the past and developing new, expansive thought and behavior patterns that will allow you to create a beautifully aligned future.


**The only way to get to the other side of your healing journey is to go through it.**

There are no shortcuts.

Your guides and I will illuminate the best path for you to take, and we will walk beside you with loving, nurturing support.